Valve Hosts Best Field Trip Ever

In what sounds like a blast, Valve hosted some seventh graders and allowed them to make their own levels in Portal. It’s a test of spacial relations and looks like a darned good time.

Bring The Magic Alive In Antaloor

The official website for the console release of the Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress expansion pack and Two Worlds II: Castle Defense game for the PC, Mac and iOS devices has launched allowing users to put the magic at their fingertips that they will experience in-game. On the launch page, hover over one of five symbols to experience magic affecting the background of the page itself. Click on “Magic Moments” under the “Pinacotheca” to experience gameplay clips of each of the classes of magic in action. Read or subscribe to the Antaloor Post (available in English and German!) to stay up to date with the recent happenings around New Ashos-Fan.

From Doodle To Business

Ever had a great idea for an app A new crowdsourcing site has launched that brings together app lovers and other professionals allowing the owner the idea (“wizards”) to choose their team. Wizards then can promote the idea and try and get funding for the idea.

Gabe Newell Reportedly Teases Half-Life 2: Episode 3 With Haiku

Rumors of Half-Life 2: Episode 3 are running rampant at the moment due to some files in Dota 2. As if that wasn’t nearly obscure enough, Valve founder Gabe Newell (who is known to respond to fan emails) supposedly sent these haikus which are either a brilliant way to stoke fan expectations or a terrible tease, depending on where you’re coming from.

Do you like haikus
I like to write them sometimes…
Episode 3 soon

Haikus are neato
They have a rigid structure
Episode 3 ships in

Source: CVG

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Bundle Unveiled

Sony has revealed the Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Bundle for the PS3. The bundle includes a 320GB PlayStation 3 system, plus a controller and a copy of the game.

Additionally, the bundle will include a month of access to PlayStation Plus. The Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Bundle will be available at retailers nationwide for $299.99.

Source: PlayStation Blog

Ninja Theory: Enslaved 2 Not Being Worked On

There have been lingering hopes that Enslaved: Journey to the West would produce a sequel, despite its lackluster commercial reception. However Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has confirmed that any plans for a sequel to Enslaved have been shelved.

Enslaved should have done better,” said Antoniades. “Right now we should have been doing a sequel and perfecting that sequel and doing what franchises do, which is get better over time. [But] because that didn’t happen we’ve not expanded to two teams like we intended to. So we’ve remained a smaller shop. But now we get another chance with DMC.”

Source: CVG

Facebook Unveils Integrated Media Aps At F8

Facebook has announced a new set of applications at their F8 developer conference. This will better integrate music, movies, and other media into their social network.

Users can say they are reading an article, watching a movie, or listening to a song.  Now, other users can see if it’s a song on Spotify or a certain TV episode on Hulu, and they could watch or listen along without leaving Facebook.

While Facebook has been accused of not listening to its customers, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, “I think we actually do. At the same time, I think the world is moving quickly, and we want to be innovative.”

Gokul Rajaram, the product director for Facebook’s ads indicated that the company will be able to “evolve” its advertising program using the new apps. Advertisers will get more specific data for their ads and could turn activities into “sponsored stories” where appropriate.

Source: Adweek

Mobile, Social Game Fund Established

6waves Lolapps has announced that they are establishing a $10 million fund for mobile and social game developers. Selected developers will receive support from 6waves Lolapps in distributing, localizing, and hosting their game online.

“The rationale behind the fund is that on the publishing side, we started noticing that given the increased quality level and the production of these kinds of games, it’s getting harder for these developers to build them on their own,” said 6waves Lolapps senior VP of publishing Jim Ying. “We’ve seen a trend that developers are interested in building mobile games, and consumers are looking to play more of these games globally. The reality is that this part of the business is growing significantly, and we believe that we have a lot of knowledge that we can leverage in the space.”

Source: Gamasutra