Kickstarter Tops $1 Billion Crowdfunded

Kickstarter has come a long way from a fad that helped Double Fine create Broken Age. The crowdfunding site recently reported that it is about to surpass the $1 billion dollar point when it comes to pledges for its projects.

As of yesterday morning, Kickstarter has reached $999,209,752 in funds for its projects, just $791,000 short of the billion dollar mark. It’s likely to reach that point sometime in the next few days, with so many campaigns currently going on.

Over 136,000 campaigns have been launched on the site, with about 43 percent of them going on to reach their funding goal. Although Games are sixth place in terms of number of campaigns – behind art, publishing, theater, music and film), games have by far  the most campaigns that have raised over a million dollars, and gaming campaigns have collectively raised more than any other category.

Here’s to the growing success of crowdfunding!

Source: TechCrunch

TV Still Rules

Even though streaming services and cable channels are on the rise, regular television still can’t be beat, according to a new study from Nielsen.

The report, conducted alongside ad targeting firm Simulmedia, states that approximately 283 million Americans watch TV on a monthly basis, compared to 155 million Americans watching video content online. Out of those watching TV, each one watches approximately 146 hours of TV, ranging from sports to popular shows.

In addition, while the size of the digital video industry is no slouch at $3.5 billion, the TV industry is  whale in comparison, with about $74 billion. That’s about 95 percent growth over the medium.

While more of these network companies dabble in digital services, it’s clear they’re going to keep regular television going for some time.

Source: Adweek


Abandoned Shopping Carts Online

If you’ve ever thought about buying something online, only to change your mind at the last minute and leave the item sitting in your virtual shopping cart – you’re not the only one.

Shoppers who visit these websites and don’t complete these orders are quite frequent, with approximately two-thirds of visitors not finishing up their orders. This has been a number that’s been steady for quite a few years, according to a report from MarketLive, an eCommerce site which specializes in tracking abandonment rates.

The eMarketer report “Shopping Cart Abandonment: How Retailers Are Using the Metric to Drive Better Results,” points out the rate of abandonment over the quarter. The number has been pretty steady, starting out at 72.8 percent in the beginning of 2012 and concluding at 67.9 percent by the end of 2013.

The reasons behind said incompletion of orders It boils down to three: the stickiness of consumer behaviors, the growth of mobile shopping and slow economic recovery.

Even with these incomplete orders, however, shoppers are still getting a wealth of information about items, which retailers hope to use as insights for remarketing on certain items.

Source: eMarketer

Image source: Lies Young Women Believe

Apple Has A Tumblr Now

Despite a lack of presence on Facebook and Twitter, Apple seems to be doing just fine. However this weekend they chose Tumblr rather than any other network to showcase their foray into the trenches social media. It makes sense with the campaign’s tagline: ‘Every color has a story.’

The campaign is essentially four 15-second vidoes in English, Spanish and French for the iPhone 5c. The seamless integration of video rather than the typical .gifs shows the versatility of Tumblr as well as its increasing attractiveness to marketers.

You can check out Apple’s Tumblr campaign here.


Source: AdWeek