BioShock 3: Infinity And Beyond

Irrational Games and Ken Levine’s latest project has been unveiled, and it is both a sequel to the BioShock series… and not at all at the same time. It takes the name and some basic ideas of the BioShock franchise, but instead of entering a Cold War underwater city, it goes above the clouds in a 19th century steampunk America.

Scott Pilgrim Game Pitched 8-Bit

While the downloadable Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game that’s out there wears its old school gaming references on its sleeve, the pitch for the game was even more 8-bit. Along with direct homages to Sonic the Hedgehog, Ninja Gaiden and Mega Man 2, there are chip covers of songs from the White Stripes, Smashing Pumpkins and the Ramones.

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The Switch Is On

While most romantic comedies aren’t set up to appeal to the nerd/gamer/geek crowd, The Switch is different. Not only is it staring Jason Bateman of Arrested Development fame, but it deals with friend zone issues that nerds can relate to in a funny way.

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