With casual gaming showing continued revenue and traffic strength compared to its console video games older brother, it should be no surprise an upcoming TV show is focusing on just that demographic.
Game Face is a new game TV show just launched on Bravo in the UK, and its key audience will be those gamers who play from time to time, either on a console, an iPhone or a PC.
MCVUK reports:
As well as working with partners such as Bravo, Ginx TV describes itself as being the first international 24/7 TV channel that turns video gaming into mainstream entertainment TV .
By taking the rich production values of many games today, using the story line or game objective, Ginx creates a TV production from a TV viewers point of view, [said programming head Peter Einstein]. We feel this concept provides a fun, entertaining TV event which is appealing mostly to the casual gamer.
Based on the segments we’ve watched on Bravo{link no longer active}, the show has a very G4 vibe to it that. That doesn’t exactly corroborate going for a non-hardcore audience, but we’ll see how the show develops over the next couple of months.