Homefront Promotion Includes Marching Soldiers, Barricades

As part of a promotion for the just-announced shooter Homefront, THQ hired a bunch of actors to portray North Korean soldiers and march through the streets of Los Angeles. They also rented out a parking lot and set up barricades plastered with dozens of flags declaring the land property of the North Korean Federation. But don’t take our word for it, just watch the video below:

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Marisa Miller Guitar Hero Ad Uncovered

Victoria’s Secret model Marisa Miller filmed an ad for Guitar Hero: World Tour that never aired and was kept hidden until now. While similar, Risky Business-style ads were used for the game, some even featuring Playboy Bunnies, less female anatomy was exposed than in this ad.

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Kevin Butler Brings Down The House And Sony’s Presser

Rumored for the longest time, Sony Computer Entertainment America VP of Everything Kevin Butler did indeed make an appearance at Sony’s E3 press conference. It marks a truly crossover moment between entertainment and marketing, but don’t take our word for it: watch his performance yourself.

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Force Unleashed II: Betrayal

To some, the Force Unleashed titles present a problem, as they deal with a piece of Star Wars canon in way that doesn’t totally click with the movies. To others, they don’t care because of the displays of badassery using the Force such as what’s shown in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II video below.

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Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Deadpool Never Cries

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is sure to have the most hotly debated cast of characters until they are all officially revealed. As it stands, two more fighters have been revealed in Devil May Cry‘s Dante and Marvel’s Deadpool, both liking guns, swords and fourth-wall breaking wisecracks.

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