Syfy today announced their latest push into the gaming sphere with a Red Faction movie. The game series centers around miners on Mars fighting against an oppressive Earth government.
“It is the kind of content that fits our genre,” Alan Seiffert, senior VP of Syfy Ventures. “It is a great fit for a big Syfy Saturday movie, and if it really works, it is a great back-door pilot.”
This furthers the relationship between Syfy and THQ, with a kids series based upon de Blob already planned. THQ is also working on a game based upon the planned reality series Ghost Hunters Academy and the WWE’s Smackdown show (a licence THQ just happens to hold) is headed to Syfy.
“As long as we approach it as more than just a licensing proposition, there is a lot of value in taking some properties and just transferring them, if you will, to games,” Seiffert says.
Source: Broadcasting & Cable