A report titled Global 3DTV Forecasts by Informa Telecoms & Media indicates that in the 11 million homes with a 3DTV by 2016, less than half will regularly use 3D content. While right now, 90 percent with 3DTVs regularly access 3D content, that number will fall as it becomes a more standard feature.
“Public reaction has been mixed due to both a lack of content and a simple failure of the public to engage with what is, essentially, a new type of viewing experience,” explains Adam Thomas, Informa senior analyst. “We do not share the view that 3D represents the obvious next evolutionary step for TV, in the same way that color followed black and white, or HD is following SD. 3DTV is less of an enhancement and rather more a new type of viewing experience one that many people will enjoy, but some way from becoming ubiquitous.”
Source: InformaTM.com