Rando, a new app by studio Ustwo, is a very antisocial app. The app allows users to share photos completely randomly to random people without any context, or social media functionality, whatsoever. So far in its two months of existence 5 million of these photos have been shared. The studio is looking to expand its user-base. How better to do that than by flat-out insulting potential users
A billboard in the busy area of Shoreditch, East London tells onlookers: “You have no friends.“ and just down the street is another billboard that brazenly claims “No one likes you.” By creating an entirely anti-social app, the developer is also looking to create a matching anti-social ad campaign. Whether this campaign will catch on and translate to downloads for the app is one issue, but nothing catches the eye quite like flat out put-downs against a user’s character.
Hey, we’re covering it; so it’s working to some extent, isn’t it
Source: TechCrunch