Our AFK moment of the day gives you a couple of tips on how to handle your email better. Think you’re going to answer those emails you’ve been pushing aside? Consult the flowchart.
Our AFK moment of the day gives you a couple of tips on how to handle your email better. Think you’re going to answer those emails you’ve been pushing aside? Consult the flowchart.
Today’s AFK moments comes to us from a cosplayer whose game of choice is the post-apocalyptic Fallout 3.
In the game, you play the protagonist in a nuclear-devastated Washington D.C., surviving through skill, a little bit of luck, and picking up every conceivable item off the charred earth.
The folks at Weekly Geek decided to dress up as the game’s lead character, but decided to outline some instructions for creating your very own Nuke Cola Caps, Med-X and the very important Buffout strength tonic.
Just be careful with those needles.
Our AFK moment of the day comes to us from New York, where no television could ever be too big.
As a surprise for her movie-making, game-playing teenage son, Patti Deni decided to surprise him with a 100-inch plasma mounted on his bedroom ceiling.
Special work had to be done as the 300 pound weight was excessive, even for the pros. Nonetheless, it got done, and the Deni boy is now widely regarded as the luckiest son on the block.
Because it’s so big and has such a wide viewing angle, Patty’s son wouldn’t have to lay flat on his back necessary to see the screen, Bohner explains.
He and his friends can prop themselves just about anywhere and get a good view, adds Patty.
[More at Electornic House] {link no longer active}
Rev Rant, a series of videos we never heard of from a website we’ve definitely heard of (Destructoid) posted a quick video challenging hardcore gamers on their notions of how a video game needs to be paid for.
Amongst the topics are how the industry is still feeling out different revenue streams, how there is a clear double-standard when paying large publishers versus independent ones regardless of a game’s quality, and an intriguing idea you can take hold of.
Games aren’t music or movies or TV shows… games can be anything we want them to be. Why do we have to adhere to this formula of paying for a finished product, receiving that finished product, and that s the end of that?
If gamers were able to foot the bill for some of the development they say they would like to see, would it lead to more chances being taken in the industry?
Today’s VOD comes to us from the depths of YouTube, where over 35,000 people have seen DarthGollumKong (quite possibly the greatest/worst username in history) take full advantage of all the instruments in Rock Band.
So that’s a guitar, bass guitar, drums and a microphone, all at the same time, by one person. And if you re fearful he s all alone, DarthGollumKong comments:
Yeah, I’m a dork. And I do have friends. If you don’t believe me, I uploaded a video of my playing with friends with funny singing and stuff.
We believe you.
{video link no longer active}
Mmmm… delicious retro.
You’ve probably seen Portland artist Matt W. Moore’s illustrations in a number of places, including the most recent issue of Wired. Our AFK moment brings us his take on the Mini Cooper, a car already known to turn heads, but now known to go after our gamer hearts.
Click the source link to see how he incorporates Space Invaders in a similar style, and write to Mini to get these cars in production. You’ll regret the purchase days later, but still, it’s pretty cool.
[Other pic at mbf tod@y] {link no longer public}
Since when does a table lead to 137 blog posts?
Our AFK item of the day comes in from Because We Can, creators of sustainable interior design and custom furniture based out of Oakland, CA.
They recently got an order for a 16′ long conference table from Penny Arcade. Luckily enough, BWC loves the Penny Arcade brand and decided to spend some extra time in building what has to be the greatest table in the history of conference rooms.
Check out the images for a look at the final product, based on one of Penny Arcade’s comic strips, and watch the video if you’re curious about how they put it all together.
And, yes, the moon does glow in the dark.
Our AFK breaks will be where we show something that’s inspiring, exciting, intriguing, or just plain cool, and hopefully you’ll pass it along to your colleagues.
If you’re into music, chances are you know Weezer and you’ve heard some of their hits, including “Buddy Holly” and “El Scorcho.”
Some intrepid musicians decided to pay tribute to the Los Angeles-based band by taking some of those hits and crafting them into clever 8-bit versions, giving them a chance at some free publicity while reminding us of some of the band’s catchy tunes.
Our favorite has to be the Castlevania-inspired Island In The Sun remix.
May not make it into your playlists, but it’s worth a listen just to appreciate how whole mediums can mashup.
Reprinted with permission from IndustryGamers {link no longer active}
I recently had a father-son moment that strikes me as particularly relevant to this month’s column. It probably won’ t shock you to know that the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the tree; my son is a gamer. He devours content and as I believe I’ve alluded to in a previous story is entirely platform agnostic, as appears typical of his generation. He is also a bookworm, which means that if a gaming device of some sort isn’t immediately available or he has expended his daily allotment of screen time, his go-to is usually a hearty book. (On a side note, I’m exceedingly proud that his next read is Game Over: Press Start to Continue.)
He’s at that age where kids become judgmental, a fault that unfortunately stays with most of us for the rest of our lives. But we’ve done our best to raise him to accept people on the merits of their actions. The conversation went something like:
“Hey, Dad. Mom said you wanted to talk with me? ”
“Yeah. Why was it that you decided to say nothing when that defenseman from the other team keep taunting you today at lacrosse?”
(Shrugs his shoulders and appears ambivalent.)
“Didn’t it bother you that, when you didn’t smack-talk back, the other two defensemen joined in?”
“Why not?!”
“You’ve always told me that the only opinion that matters about who I am is my own,” he says confidently.
Taken aback, and trying not to show my inner glee, I said, “That’s true. But what other people think does impact your life. If you choose to ignore a bully, that’s still a conscious choice you’re making. And by doing so, you’re choosing a strategy, a tact.”
(He looks at me confused. Probably thinking something like: de-nerd-ify that a bit for me, please.)
“Look, I m not advocating that you check (lacrosse term for physically hit with your body or the stick) him or anything. In fact, I care more about you thinking that other people’s perception doesn’t mean anything, when in fact it does. ”
He’s now really confused and I’m probably keeping him from leveling up or crushing his sister, hopefully the former.
“OK. Let s look at it objectively: first, one defenseman did a bit of smack-talking and poke checked you. As an attackman, that’s pretty normal.” He nods along. “When you didn’t react this time, it gave the other defensemen permission to join in, thinking that you were going to permit it.” He keeps nodding. “And your teammates were looking to you for direction to see how they should react like if they should jump in if you were upset. But because you didn’t react defensively, they assumed that you were OK and said and did nothing.” His eyes widen a bit.
“Knowing who you are and being confident in yourself is truly important, but what you say and don’t say and what you do or don’t do informs how people will treat you. You’re making decisions by your action, or in this case inaction, that empowers other people and gives them an impression of you that’s probably not accurate.”
Eyes wide and nodding affirmative, he’s getting it, so I continue, “What you did was the right thing, initially. But when it continues and the few instances add up to reinforce an opinion or impression, you need to own that at least partly yourself, because you are making a conscious choice. The next time something like that happens, on the field or off, feel free to stand up for yourself. Your teammates have your back. You’re all in the same boat. And you can still be confident in knowing who you are.” And he got it.
I have to admit that it was touch and go there for a while, but it’s an important lesson. Negative stereotypes are perpetuated by inaction to counter them. And oftentimes, the folks that propagate those defamatory impressions don’t realize that they’re doing as much harm as they do. That doesn’t mean however, that those on the receiving end are off the hook or doomed to martyrdom. They have a voice. And they can choose to take a stand. By doing nothing they have also made a choice; they have chosen to permit it, and as such are at least as guilty as the offenders.
Combating the negative stereotypes {link no longer active} the gaming industry and gamers themselves face is becoming a daunting task. We’ve allowed people to equate gaming with everything from laziness to isolationism and antisocial behavior, when so clearly it’s the opposite. Because we ve permitted everyone from anti-games advocates {link no longer active} (disbarred attorneys included) to the President {link no longer active} of the United States of America to perpetuate those fallacies and said and done nothing, we need to take ownership of at least part of that blame; until and unless we speak up and do something about it. It’s time.
[Article and discussion at IndustryGamers] {link no longer active}